What is anti-Semitism?
Antisemitism is the prejudice around Semitic people. This applies to all who are Semitic, mostly applying to Jewish and Arabian people.
Why is it a thing?
Antisemitism is a common issue. Oftentimes it is referred to our grouped in with racism. Its origins run back to early Christianity, and only grew from there. The holocaust sparked a major growth in antisemitism, and Adolf Hitler, AKA the leader of the Nazi's, spread propaganda against these groups. Because of all the misinformation, people have begun to dislike Semitic peoples. This has gotten to the point where innocent Jews are being harassed in public solely due to their religion.

Anti-Israelis have been taking out their disliking towards Jews rather than Israeli’s, or even just the Israeli government. In thus, spreading the antisemitic agenda.
Not all Israelis are Jewish. Not all Jewish people are Israeli. It’s as simple as this; one is a religion, one’s a country.

(a caricature representing ALL jewish people.)
My experience with Antisemitism
I am a Jew. Always have been. My family has suffered the cost of death sprouting from the holocaust, and still go through harm from people against a religion. The amount of slurs I've been called solely for my culture is shocking. It is my human right to be treated equally. A lot of these people who say they dont condone racism happen to be people who are insulting to Jews. This has began to stem a personal disliking toward non-Jews.